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    465 products

    K2 Blue Azurite is a stone that is considered a stone of heaven on Earth. A decade ago, this stone was formed at the foothills of K2 mountain, also called Godwin Austen. It is accessible to cuts, tumble, and polished beautifully. It can easily be cut and shaped by artisans. It generally has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. K2 stone is not a good material for a bracelet because it gets damaged due to scratches.

    K2 stone is not an expensive stone. The jewellery made from this gemstone is usually hard to clean. This stone may get infected by the weather because it should be kept in the dark place, with a low concentration of air and heat, like in a closed jewellery box or a drawer. Heat can change the colour of jewellery into black or green. Along with this, Azurite is very sensitive to heat. K2 Azurite is not a famously found stone but still is beautiful with a blue colour. It can be opaque, translucent, or transparent. It is lustrous with a vitreous, earthy colour and is used in Minor ore of copper, gem material, ornamental stone, and pigment.

    Origin: Pakistan. Colour: Bright blue azurite. Clarity: Opaque. Cut: Fine. Treatment: 100% Genuine Gemstone.