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    43 products

    Charoite is a magnificent Violet Ray stone with almost palpable energy flowing in exquisite swirls and eddies of violet, lavender, and purple. It is uncommon, complex, and one of nature's best dream stones and illuminators. It also allows access to past-life lessons, heals emotional fears so one can live in the present, and opens one up to spiritual guidance for the future.

    This stone symbolises a unique synthesis of the Crown and Heart Chakras by fusing high spiritual energy with unconditional love from the physical plane and grounding it here on Earth where it is most needed. It is a Stone for This Age, supporting living in the present and signalling that one is exactly where they should be at this moment. It is a talisman of acceptance and letting go, a "bestower of good," and promotes self-acceptance and service to others. It stumbled upon in the 1940s, and up until 1978, no one outside the country knew about it.

    Origin - Siberian river chara. Colour - Blue, cyan (blue-green), green, blackish blue to black. Clarity – clutter. Cuts – Heart. Treatment - Untreated 100 % Genuine Gemstone.